A fellow blogger (Timmy Brister at Provacations and Panting)offers this insane challenge as 2008 unfolds:
Commit to reading one Puritan Paperback a month. You can do this by blocking out 30 minutes each day (~10 pages) after personal Bible reading as supplementary to your spiritual growth. To make it easy for you, I have created a sample monthly reading list below.
January: The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes (128 pp)
February: The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel (221 pp)
March: The Godly Man’s Picture by Thomas Watson (252 pp)
April: Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks (253 pp)
May: Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ by John Bunyan (225 pp)
June: The Mortification of Sin by John Owen (130 pp)
July: A Lifting Up for the Downcast by William Bridge (287 pp)
August: The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs (228 pp)
September: The True Bounds of Christian Freedom by Samuel Bolton (224 pp)
October: The Christian’s Great Interest by William Guthrie (207 pp)
November: The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter (256 pp)
December: A Sure Guide to Heaven by Joseph Alleine (148 pp)
There are several other great Puritan paperbacks, but I chose these because I wanted to have a different author each month (Owen, Bunyan, Watson, and Brooks have multiple paperbacks). I have front-loaded the reading schedule with some of the more readable Puritans and tried to balance out the topics throughout the year. Outside the Scripture, there is perhaps nothing better for your own soul than to invest in your personal sanctification by developing a reading plan of Puritan paperbacks! (Other books include: Thomas Watson, All Things for Good, The Doctrine of Repentance, The Lord’s Supper, The Great Gain of Godliness; John Owen, The Holy Spirit, The Glory of Christ, Communion with God, Apostasy from the Gospel, Temptation: Resisted and Repulsed, The Spirit and the Church; Thomas Brooks, Heaven on Earth, The Secret Key to Heaven; Richard Sibbes, Glorious Freedom; William Perkins, The Art of Prophesying; John Bunyan, All Loves Excelling, Prayer, The Jerusalem Sinner Saved, The Acceptable Sacrifice; Ralph Venning, The Sinfulness of Sin, Learning in Christ’s School; Robert Traill, Justification Vindicated; and Samuel Rutherford, Letters of Samuel Rutherford.)
Sounds great BUT...
I'm already taking a reading challenge that will be far more uplifting and I'd suggest you reconsider and maybe take this reading challenge instead.
(The Calvary Classics Collection)
One classic Calvary book a month! It should be great. I'm using a different Calvary author each month.
January- Harvest (The story of how it all began)
February- Calvary Chapel Distinctives (What it's all about)
March- Falling In Love With The Bible -Mike MacIntosh
April- Are These The Last Days? -Greg Laurie
May- From Fury to Freedom -Raul Ries (and please watch the video)
June- A Heartbeat From Hell...A Choice For Life (booklet) & A Life Out Of Control (booklet) -Steve Mays (2 booklets = one book for this month)
July- Papa Chuck Month (any classic book by Papa Chuck is acceptable -let the Spirit lead you in your choice)
August- Epicenter : Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future -Skip Heitzig
September- Spiritual Warfare (almost a booklet so read it twice) -Brian Broderson
October- THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM "Weighed And Found Wanting" (just escapes booklet status- read twice as well) -George Bryson
November- Devotionary: A Devotional with Meaning -Bob Coy
December- Everybody's favorite retired Calvary Pastor- My Pimp Hand Is Weak, But My Faith Is Strong -Aaron Calles
As you can see this reading list is much more life changing than any other list you could come up with.
"Live it. Love it. Learn it."
Wow, I am torn between these two lists! They both look appealing, but I think I'll just leave it up to what I feel like reading from month to month. Maybe I'll give you my list for Christmas this year.
hahahahaha...i am totally taking the Calvary reading challenge...sorry Aaron...it just seems much more beneficial for my spiritual life. I'm really looking forward to the pick in Dec too!
I was all set to take up the Calvary challenge...again, but after not finding Second by Romaine on the list I was a little bitter by the whole ordeal. So, I guess I'm leaning towards the Puritan option! :0)
i am back mr. kakooey!
desi you are funny!
i will be updating my blog soon enough calles. i just wanted to remind you about that one time, you know, when you couldn't log in to the blogger, and it took YOU FOREVER to update your blog, oh yeah and your wife had your new baby and broke her foot or some such nonsense...
oh, wait, did i give you a hard time then? well, please forgive me.
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